
From Chew Inclusive Terminology Glossary
Revision as of 13:28, 7 December 2023 by MikeSaunders (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Chew Inclusive Terminology Glossary

Please have a look at our Community_Guidelines.

At the moment, you just have an account to read the glossary. If you would like to contribute to the glossary, you can do so in one of the following ways:

  • Become a discussion user - This allows you to chat about suggestions, changes, and add questions in the discussion pages, but not contribute directly to the glossary
  • Become a contributor - directly edit and contribute to the glossary (all edits are checked by a moderator before going live)
  • Become a moderator - approve new members, and check each edit to the glossary before it's posted

If any of these sound like something you would like to do, get in contact with one of the moderators.

Again, welcome to the glossary - we hope it's useful to you!